Saturday, May 21, 2011

Interesting Day!

I stayed up for the entire Thunder game on Thursday night (Friday morning here). SO EXCITING. I was up until 4 a.m and was woken up by a text message at 9 saying that I was running a goalkeeper session that night. I needed to be at the club by 4:30 to talk to my coach about what I was going to do for a 5:00 practice. Then I could just hang out until my team's practice at 6:30. My roommate said I could borrow her bike to get to the club. I planned out the GK session and went down to the storage room to get the bike. The tires were extremely flat and I had about 30 min before I had to be there. Tinna told me there was a pump in the storage room and I looked for it but never found it. I decided I would go ahead and ride the bike and hope the tires didn't pop or bend the wheels. After about 1/2 mile my legs were toast. I never knew how important pumped up tires were until yesterday. It was the hardest bike ride of my life. I took a couple wrong turns but never got too far off the path. At about mile 2 I had to walk the bike up a pretty steep hill and went another 1/2 mile and was confused. I wasn't sure which way to go, left or right. Follow the same sidewalk, or cross the street. I stood there for a couple minutes trying to decide what to do and finally asked a man that was passing by. I started off with "Excuse me" and tried to pronounce the name of the soccer club, but obviously failed because he had no idea what I was saying. After an awkward pause I just said the "soccer fields". He knew immediately what I meant and sent me off in the right direction. I eventually made it to the club 15 min late and had a successful goalkeeper session with 3 younger goalkeepers. It was a lot of fun, and they did great. I am excited to keep training them. I think I am also going to be coaching a younger team or at least helping with practices, but I am not sure. We shall see.

All in all it was a frustrating, fun, and interesting day. I just wish I could peek into the minds of the people who were passing me on the bike trail, because I would love to know what they were thinking as I was moving so slowly on my bike with extremely flat tires. Best workout of my life, my legs felt like Jell-o. I probably would have stopped half way there but I had to get there.

Today, we are going to the Arts Festival downtown and going to see La Fura Dels Baus. It should be very cool. Then it's off to practice. We have a game tomorrow at 5.

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